Recently, the most common topic I have come across in the professional conferences and webinars I have attended at home and abroad is "What will be the future of coaching?".
Will artificial intelligence (AI) take our place? Will we wear glasses and be coached by Avatars?
We can help you Actually, this whole article is quite long and I will upload it to my website soon, but I wanted to mention it here in a brief summary. I recently attended a meeting of Prof. David Clutterbuck on this subject. The topic discussed was about how and to what extent artificial intelligence can enter the field of coaching.
Do you know that I have been using an application on my smartphone for many years (I think it has been 3-4 years) called Ada. She welcomes me with love at every attempt. She asks whether the information I am going to give is about me or someone else, and then she says, "What is your complaint, Bozkurt?". I start to tell her. Here is where it hurts, here it hurts, etc...
He asks me endless questions. When he does not understand an answer, he elaborates even more. At the end, he says at least 3-4 possibilities about my disease. He also gives statistics about how many people and what percentage of each result is seen in the world. It summarises the treatment methods. And of course, it says don't make a decision with this information without seeing a doctor at the end.
In a way, I think artificial intelligence is to produce a solution for roboticised people instead of producing human robots.
Prof Clutterbuck said that today a simple robot can consistently implement a human algorithm. Basic artificial intelligence can further develop these algorithms. Advanced artificial intelligence can offer creativity within the framework of the data given to it and can predict the reactions of the other party in human interaction. Super artificial intelligence starts to exhibit "curiosity".
So, imagine that my avatar will be able to detect and record your expressions, which are usually too short for a human to notice, while coaching you.
It will even be able to observe your physical symptoms such as stress and anxiety better than me.
She will notice, classify and record your speech patterns. Permission records of all previous interviews will be in my Avatar's memory.
And most importantly, you will never have to worry about 'I wonder if this man is judging me' while sitting in front of me. He is a robot. What if he judges
Jokes aside, artificial intelligence will have dozens, maybe hundreds of useful features such as producing creative solutions, bringing together various data, making measurements and evaluations quickly, and quickly recognising patterns. But in addition, if the people who make the software, for example, have gender-based or racial prejudices, these will also affect the situation. Or they will be able to simplify complex situations. In other words, it is not that there will not be negative sides as well as positive effects.
Artificial intelligence;
Can recognise emotions but cannot feel them!
It can do empathy as a reflection, but there is no compassion in it!
It can draw conclusions based on combinations and possibilities, but it has no imagination!
It cannot enter insight, which is one of the most crucial studies of our coaching meetings.
Coaching works on 3 main pillars.
The heart, science and art of coaching.
I am sure artificial intelligence can do the science of our profession, but if the other two pillars remain empty, that coaching will not work.
As a result, I can say this:
I think our coach friends who apply basic performance coaching, for example, who only work with the GROW model, who apply predictable methods and patterns, are in the high risk group. Artificial intelligence can replace them.
Or coaches who use basic coaching knowledge in behaviour change studies and ignore the benefits of artificial intelligence may also be in the risk group.
I do not think there is any danger for coaches who can do transformational coaching, who can look at things from different perspectives due to their personal experiences and past experiences, who can make high-level evaluations and, above all, feed on their wisdom.
The good partnerships we will establish with artificial intelligence will take our coaching profession and our success in this profession to much more advanced dimensions.