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The mind magnifies what it focuses on.

It is a virtue to focus on positive things.

And this virtue is the most significant need

for a better life, a more beautiful country, and for a better world.

Bozkurt Cendey 


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Bozkurt Cendey is a leadership, executive and team coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation. He works with managers and teams in organisations. His expertise lies in raising awareness on how to be effective by acting with a proactivity-enhancing perspective at all levels of an organisation, improving leadership behaviours by increasing communication and relationship building skills.


The most important guiding principle in his work is to empower individuals and teams. In this way, instead of simply reacting to circumstances, people begin to create positive change in their organisations and lives, actively managing and influencing, regardless of their position or hierarchy level.


In the structure it creates, using its years of infrastructure and corporate experience together with coaching methods gives the participant a 360-degree viewpoint.  As a result, it is inevitable for individuals to achieve positive results and feedbacks in terms of individual, financial and human resources development of organisations and to provide the maximum benefit.


In addition to executive coaching and team coaching, he also supports organisations to have staff who are ready for the future and who attach importance to their individual development with his training, workshops and speeches.  Bozkurt Cendey, who has always worked with the values of team spirit, creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in every field he has worked in business life, is always working to improve leadership qualities and to create positive developments by mediating the development of individuals and institutions. 



He graduated from Marmara University's Faculty of Business Administration. He completed his Master's degree in Business Administration at Koç University and his Master's in Clinical Psychology at the Kent University. He is doing his Doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring at Oxford Brookes University, UK. As a Doctorate student, he is conducting phenomenological research on the experiences of Artificial Intelligence Coaching users. With 40 years of working and managerial experience in corporate business life, he has provided many functional services such as sales, marketing, planning and operations in the field of tourism and events in Turkey and abroad. After working as a manager for nearly 20 years at Setur, a company belonging to Koç Group and its various departments, he worked for seven years with Jules Verne Event Management, of which he is a founding partner in the field of Event Management, carrying the sector forward. Bozkurt Cendey, who served in the education sector between 2003-2006, completed the last ten years of his corporate working life as a senior manager in the OYAK (Ordu Yardımlaşma Kurumu) group of companies. Throughout his corporate career, he has gained experience in sales, marketing, management, events, organisation, communication and training. He has always paid attention to high-performance work and achieving successful goals with his colleagues. 


Bozkurt Cendey is also a music lover. Studied Sufi and Turkish Music with his interest in Ney instrument. His creative, curious and inquisitive side led him to expand his musical studies and to other areas of music. He completed online orchestration, film/tv music production and recording techniques programmes at Berklee College of Music in Boston. He studied electronic music production at the Birmingham DJ Academy. He still enjoys working on film scores and orchestration.


He completed the "Advanced Professional Coaching" training at one of the world's leading coaching school ADLER and received ACPC title. He also completed ORSC "Organisation and Relationship Coaching" course, ERICKSON High Performance Team Coaching" and NLP MASTER PRACTITIONER courses. Bozkurt Cendey  continues to work with leadership coaching, team coaching, corporate trainings and inspiring speeches .

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